Residential House Lifts / Domestic Hydraulic Lifts
Residential House Lifts / Domestic Hydraulic Lifts
Ezy_P platform lift is a basic machine of the utmost simplicity, excellent quality, competitively priced with smart modern controls and available to fit anywhere in New Zealand. A machine that fulfils all the desired lift functions and is council compliant.
The most practical platform size is 1200 x 1200 or thereabouts, but you can choose any size under 1400 x 1400 be it square or rectangular.
This lift will suit two or three levels, entrance doors are usually 810 or 860 i.e. the same as the rest of your house.
Travel times are based on Australian and New Zealand standards.
You can change any or all of the above to suit your requirements as the design is modular and can usually be adapted.
This small domestic lift has several unique features that ensure both its performance and longevity is as aesthetically pleasing and with a good builder to add the finishing touches, it should end up being a joy to use that will add value to your home.
Handrail features
Uprights fit close to side wall and are bolted to side of steel platform underneath the floor, giving a stability and firmness that is retained forever.
Hand rail fitting close to side of lift wall maximizes platform space, wheel chair wheels will fit under the grab rail.
Grab rail is the right size for a firm comfortably grip and set at the right height.
Push buttons located along top of rail are of a good size, back lit, and clearly visible.
LED lighting under rail illuminates floor.
Telephone is analogue with the proper interface, it can be linked to fibre – telephone gives best sense of security for older people, the telephone being visual evidence of a constant link to those outside the lift.
Post Info
common sense operation the same as most public lifts.
smooth, stable travel both up and down utilizing a unique combination of rollers and slides to eliminate any sense of judder.
motor and pump unit are housed in a separate cupboard lined with sound-proofing material
this is separately located outside of the lift shaft.
charcoal grey handrail - this is your command centre.
clear good sized easy to read backlit push buttons.
smart permanent sign-age.
emergency phone - land-line wifi adaption requires a telephone link from a node to lift controller.
LED lighting on the underside of handrail always on when the lift is in use with battery back up for power failure.
The sturdy handrail will not loosen, placed to slide against the wall with a cantilever grip, this creates maximum available space on the car floor.
Industrial quality hydraulics are virtually faultless
Electrical and electronics are in the same category but their longevity is only half that of the hydraulics.
A lift designed to service the life of your house and every aspect can be maintained as and when required.
performance can be upgraded with soft start, soft stop, and higher speeds both up and down.
this same system is used when three floors are required.
With a platform travelling up and down inside a shaft - all of the lift machinery that you see is the handrail.
Door set up
Call button on wall is best set near the upper limit of that the standard allows – this keeps small children from playing.
These buttons are usually braille marked they are of good size and are back lit. This button is used either to call lift and/or to open doors (lift doors are always left locked unless you are either entering or exiting) when lift is on station button will light up for a five second interval, releasing door catch enabling you to open lift door and enter.
Door handle is fixed but generally matches decor of others used around the house.
Escutcheon plate is used to cover the manual over-ride feature – there is a manual over-ride key on the top right hand corner of the handrail and another in the cabinet housing the hydraulic pump and motor – both are labelled and tagged.
Quality of builder and choice of materials for doors, trim, walls and floor is that which turns a good lift into an object that will always give satisfaction.